Monday, July 28, 2008

sunday shopping. . .

*deo not included

this is mainly the reason why i control myself to go home after work. i somehow hate spending but it gives me the hedonistic high. i get hypnotized by stuff with price tags on them especially those with SALE on them. i am not a big spender because im controlling my finances due to insurance, credit card, phone bills and savings. aside from that, i still have to set aside cash for my food, movies and the erks for the next 15 days... but i had reasons. i usually do impulsive spending on small stuff. i dont work on having to have expensive stuff, once in a while i indulge but very rarely. if its expensive id wait for 2-3 days, if it doesnt recur then i leave it, but if i go through the canvassing and comparing for the next 3 days then its probably a buy.

am not a fan of belts but since i have zero availability in my wardrobe, i got crazy, i left 1 behind = Php 520/$11.82
i only have 4 footsies for my closed flat shoes, what if i decide to wear them the whole week? = Php100 for 3/$2.27
i was browsing for office blouses, i got a plaid cut off instead = Php 625/$14.20
see thru pouch to organize chords= Php29.95/$0.68
i didnt need the deo but i tried it for switching purposes= Php79/$1.79
replacing an old brush that bent through the heat of blow dryer = Php 65/$1.47
total = Php1418.95/$32.23

im already in guilt but i need these. i knew i was already in a menacing situation for having to pass by the mall.