Tuesday, August 12, 2008

burp day. . .

it depends if you might find my day dreary but i did what i had to do:

  • slept well and woke up around 9a
  • watched 'clueless' to revive and start the day right-my sister got a bunch of dvds on sale
  • blogged and read blogs
  • sent food to the office
  • gave food to kids and disabled, those who are on the street, random act of kindness, ive been doing this for 4 years every birthday
  • went to church
this was to make my day right and be in a good mood. there were attempts of texts from the staff but then in the afternoon they understood that i was enjoying my time away from it all.

as i was driving i saw this greeting:

*yes i hope you many too.

went to the mall to do very little of shopping since ive already given myself some early present: itouch and phone. i wasnt looking hard for a buy. but i got a few shirts. i just love the fringed cardigan. the other one says shopping girl. its really unbecoming of me. but because you get inspired once in a while, then you tend to choose out of your comfort zone.

**from july boutique, totalled to Php633/$13.18

had a simple sumptuous meal at home with the family.

thank you Lord for the day.